Welcome to the Winter 2023 Bransgore Rotary Newsletter. As the cold weather is setting in, we are all wrapped up in the warm reflecting on our achievements this year.
The Bransgore BeerFest 23 was held over the weekend of Friday 29th Sept to Sun1st Oct in the grounds of The Three Tuns. We were once again blessed with fine, dry weather, with several thousand visitors enjoying beer, cider and music. Over 80 people gave their help over the weekend. We could not run this event without the support of the village, The Three Tuns, sponsors and helpers. A massive Thank you to everyone who helped and to Slades Estate Agents, who generously donated crew T-shirts and the local Scout Groups, who undertook provision of hotdogs, wraps and curry.
Socially we have been enjoying Rambles locally in the New Forest together and look forward to gathering again when the winter months have left us. We have also enjoyed a couple of social gatherings, seeing behind the scenes at Christchurch Priory and watching a production of Ghosts at The Regent Centre.
In the immediate future we are looking forward to a wine and cheese tasting evening and to our Christmas Party. As I write, we are preparing to collect shoeboxes filled with gifts for children from local schools to complete this year’s appeal. The boxes will be sent to children in countries such as Ukraine, Romania, Moldova to provide some cheer to children who otherwise would not receive anything. We are also preparing to get to work putting up the lights ready for the village Christmas Lights Switch on, from 4pm on Monday 4 th December.
Paul Harris (the founder of Rotary) is reported to have once said, “The foundation upon which Rotary is built is friendship; on no less firm foundation could it have stood.” This is a quote that truly reflects what Bransgore Rotary is all about. If you want to make new friends and at the same time, make a difference by getting involved with something new why not get in touch with us and find out more, we would love to hear from you.
As always, Thank you to all of you who support us to do what we do both locally,
nationally and internationally to help those who need us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us all at Bransgore Rotary.